
Vaibhavi Babani, Mumbai

I had met with a very bad accident for which I’d received 66 stitches on my forehead. We had to reconstruct the entire right side of my forehead and that too without a surgeon, since it had to be done in the emergency room. It was after this accident that I had done my first Magnified Healing® class, in which we learnt an extremely powerful method of healing. I used it for 21 days on my forehead and the scar almost disappeared. When I went back to my doctor, he was shocked at how quickly my skin cells had rejuvenated/multiplied to heal my scar.

Of all the healing modalities that I have been exposed to, Magnified Healing® came mostly naturally to me. I never had to make an effort or plan a time for the daily practice. The more I did it, the more it became a part of my everyday life.