
Magnified Healing® Workshop Levels

1st Phase Workshop Online:

The Magnified Healing® 1st Phase Workshop Online for new students has been introduced because we have many people around the world who are interested in taking the workshop for the first time, but do not have a Magnified Healing® teacher in their city, region, or even in their country. It lasts at least 16 hours and is taught in 2 consecutive days. Prerequisites to attend it:

  1. A knowledge and understanding of basic metaphysical concepts such as karma, spiritual centers (chakras), Hierarchy, Threefold Flame, Violet Fire, Ascension. The Internet and spiritual books are excellent resources to learn about these concepts. Other healing or vibrational modalities such as Reiki, Light Touch, etc., are not prerequisites for learning the Magnified Healing teachings.
  2. To be computer savvy. The Magnified Healing® Workshop online will be taught with a digital manual, and new practitioners will receive the Magnified Healing® digital kit (e-manual, MP3 and e-certificate).
  3. Must have and know how use computer programs like Adobe, Dropbox, and video conferencing programs like Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, GoToWebinar, Skype, etc.
  4. Have fast and reliable internet. The workshop will be Live online and lasts at least 16 hours.
  5. Digital versions of the manuals are available for online viewing on your devices as often as you wish. Downloading is allowed.
  6. The purposes of making our Magnified Healing® kits available to teachers and students in digital format are:
    • to spread our commitment to sustainability.
    • to protect our natural world and be more socially responsible.
    • to reduce our carbon footprint to create a safer, cleaner future.
    • to eliminate costs of shipping and customs fees
    • to make Magnified Healing® workshops available worldwide without the need to print manuals, certificates and CDs. They will be issued electronically by our Headquarters in the USA.

Prerequisites To Become Certified To Teach The 1st Phase Workshop Online:

The Magnified Healing® 1st Phase Workshop Online has been introduced because of COVID and the fact that we have many people around the world who are interested in taking the workshop for the 1st time, but do not have a Magnified Healing® teacher in their city/province/region. The Magnified Healing® 1st Phase Workshop Online should not be considered a substitute for the in-person workshop where there are teachers available to teach it. The main objective is to reach students who are in other countries, isolated areas of the world, who cannot travel to take it in person, nor pay for hotel and other expenses.

If you live in a part of the world where we have a MH representative, the 1st Phase workshop online should be offered to new students (or review) outside your city, province/state/country. Teaching online will bring a chance for you to reach thousands of people who are too far away to learn it in person. That is, if there are teachers available in a person’s city or province/state, MH Teachers and representatives should urge students to take the workshop in person, always taking into consideration the Covid-19 instructions for safety. If you have a representative, before scheduling your online workshop, please contact them to see if there are teachers in the area where the student is.

Our Magnified Healing Family can expand so much. Those of you who become certified online teachers, will be able to teach people all over the world because the manuals and certificates will be digital, and the MP3, of course, is digital. To be able to teach people in places like Central America, Africa, Oceania, Middle East, Polynesia, Amazon, Asia, northern/western Europe and so many other places… is wonderful. That brings us great joy!

Technology allows us to be present when we are physically so far apart. Hopefully it will make our Magnified Healing® family bigger, bring us closer and make it a better world. We also wish you Divine Blessings and Prosperity if you decide to embrace this new spiritual tool and endeavor.


  1. Have taught a 1st Phase workshop in person at least once.
    Have taken the “1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class Online” and become certified to teach it.
  2. Have taken a Virtual Training session Level 1 to become a certified 1st Phase Workshop Online Teacher. The virtual training session will be given only by Valeria Pereira, from our Headquarters in the It will last 3 ½ hours, via zoom Live Online.
  3. Must be computer savvy. The workshop will be taught with the Teacher’s digital manual and shared via video conference program. You should have and know how use Excel, Adobe, Dropbox and video conferencing programs like Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, GoToWebinar, Skype, etc. Optional but highly recommended is the use of Power Point for the presentations during the workshops.
  4. Until further notice, the Magnified Healing® 1st Phase Workshop Online can be taught only by certified 3rd Phase practitioners and teachers, Magnified Healing® Grand Master Teachers and Representatives.

Prerequisites To Attend The 1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class (online or in person):

  1. Magnified Healing® Practitioners should have practiced the 1st Phase assiduously for at least 2 months in order to experience and understand the energy of Magnified Healing before they can study the 3 new articles.
  2. Have taught the 1st Phase Workshop in person, at least once, before the 1st day of the 1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class (online or in person) if they want to become certified to teach 1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class (online or in person).
  3. Have a current Practice CD (or MP3) and an edition of the 1st Phase Manual that contains the practice with the Sacred Names, the article ‘Connection of the Nervous System / Primary Glands/Building of the Light Body’ and the Essential Oil article. This material should be purchased on our website or from our representatives.
  4. Certification of Participation – If the Magnified Healing® Practitioners never taught a 1st Phase workshop in person but would like to attend this class to study the new articles and understand the teachings on a more profound level, they will receive a Participation Certificate. They will not be certified to teach the 1st Phase Review Class and Advanced Studies Class.

Prerequisites To Teach The 1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class (online or in person):

  1. All Magnified Healing® Practitioners who wish to teach the Magnified Healing® 1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class Online must have taken the Magnified Healing® 1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class online. That is, if they take this class in person, they will be able to teach it in person only, not online.
  2. The MH practitioners who have taken this Magnified Healing® 1st Phase Review and Advanced Studies Class Online are certified to teach it online and in person.
  3. Be computer knowledgeable – to have and know how to use programs like Adobe, Excel, Dropbox, Power Point. Also, must know how to use video conferencing programs such as Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, GoToMeeting, etc. We suggest Power Point for the presentations during the class.
  4. These review classes must be a minimum of 14 teaching hours divided in 2 or 3 consecutive days. If you have 3 students or less, you might be able to teach it in 12 hours. According to Rev. Gisèle King, who received those teachings and has taught this workshop for the last 30 years, it is her experience that this review class including the Advanced Teachings is not possible to be taught in less than 12 hours. Magnified Healing evolves constantly, especially since the Sacred Names were added to the daily practice. The practitioners need to receive more information, they need to know how to teach these Sacred Names to their students, and how to pronounce them correctly so they carry the correct vibration. As well, they need to receive all necessary explanations on the new articles. Teachers owe it to their students for them to be well prepared and confident to teach.