RukhminiPunoose has been the India representative of Magnified Healing® since March 2017.
She began practising Magnified Healing® in 2010, and was trained and initiated as a Master-Teacher in 2016 by Reverend Gisèle King, one of the co-originators of Magnified Healing®.
Rukhmini has been teaching spiritual classes since 2010 and as a teacher, she combines her knowledge of Eastern spiritual and mystical studies, of the Vedas, Upanishads and the Geeta, with Sufism and Western spiritual traditions like Judaism and the Bible.
Rukhmini is also a Traditional Usui Reiki Grandmaster and teacher, a Karuna Reiki Master and teacher.
She teaches Karuna Reiki both in the traditional Tibetan Tantric Buddhist method that she learnt from a Buddhist master, as well as the internationally certified one. She is also a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner certified by the Bach Institute in England (BFRP). A Herbologist, she creates plant-based herbal medicines. She works with and teaches how to use therapeutic essential oils and teaches Plant Spirit Medicine.
A dynamic holistic healer-teacher, Rukhmini combines a variety of modalities in her energy work with the aim to address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues at the root level.
Rukhmini lives in Mumbai, India, with her family.